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“ Declaration ”


About “ Declaration ”

“Declaration” was made for an on-campus installation art exhibition on “freedom”. Quite straightforwardly, we built a tunnelway using frames, and with black and white stripes evocative of prison uniforms, and thus incarceration. When the audience crossed through the tunnel, they were experiencing for themselves the definition of breaking through constraints and the difficulties in the fight for freedom. The piece was installed in the middle of the alley between the male and female dormitories, which in a sense alluded to the sense of oppression and imprisonment imposed by the cramped and overcrowded dorm rooms.



Audience Participation

During the exhibition, the piece drew negative comments on the NTNU public social website “Kobeshida” (or NTNU Hate, a website on which people express their discontent about the school), which stated this piece coming out of nowhere had occupied their living space and blocked their way. In defense against their complaint of inconvenience, the artists retorted that the audience did not know how to appreciate artworks, and that since the work had been made not mainly for aesthetic purposes, the audience and residents could not identify it as a piece of art. By the end of the exhibition, audience had started to go to great lengths to restore their right of way by moving and bending the work, claiming it to be their way of fighting for freedom.



Reflections on “ Declaration ”

The negative comments similarly evoked our anger, and artists and their audience were unable to calmly discuss the incident. There was a great gap between their complaint of intrusion upon their lives and our claim of the meaning of the piece: we could not understand why they would not read the introduction on the work, whereas they could not comprehend how these tremendous hurdles could actually be a piece of installation art.


After a few months we were finally able to regain our calm and reflect on ourselves: maybe it was true that we failed to make the audience feel otherwise than obstructed, ill at ease, and kept out with barricades, and though they moved and vandalized the piece in protest, it could actually be their way of fighting against restrictions and pleading for freedom. Maybe this indeed was how the work had inspired them to fight for their own freedom.


We all learned a lesson in this incident that in the making of public art the artist has to take into account how the work can “exist in harmony” with its setting, as public artworks are only for display but have to interact with their backdrops and the people around them in the long term. Also, it was only then that we realized our works had never before been taken out of our comfort zones to be in contact with real audience, so we never had a chance to consider how others would appreciate and understand our artworks. In a sense, we also learned to break out the confines of artistic life and involve the world outside.


宣示 Declaration / 200 x 120 x 160 cm 依場地大小變更 Dimensions variable / 木材、油漆 Wood, paint / 2017

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《宣示》 遭到破壞的紀錄 / The record of “  Declaration ” was been damaged.


擷取自台灣師範大學公開的社群網站「靠北.師大」 / Comments on the NTNU public social website “Kobeshida” (or NTNU Hate)

螢幕快照 2019-05-05 下午8.59.48.png

(創作者回應於社群網站「靠北・師大」的文字內容與學生回應 / Me replied on “Kobeshida” and other students' comments. )






我們的作品可能還沒辦法稱為一件「藝術作品」,但至少是我們花時間力氣的產物。對於一個你不了解的事物,你可以討厭它,看他不順眼,但你沒有資格去傷害他;在你對他有一定的認識前,你甚至沒有資格去批評他。這是我們對大家的回應感到很沮喪且失望的地方,你們是否有花一分鐘去讀那張作品卡呢? 對於他妨礙到你的事實,你是否就要去移動他,把他往內挪到一個一看就不自然的角度呢? 最後幾天那樣的扭轉真的對作品的傷害很大,加上下雨的因素,作品的損壞比我們想像的嚴重。






美術系學生對於此事件的分享 /Shared by students in the Fine Arts Department.

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