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沙發皮、沙發木架、布料、影像/依場地而定/ 2022

Sofa leathers, Sofa wood frame, Fabric, Images / 2022 / dimensions variable.

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See you next time.






During the end of the year, I noticed that discarded furniture was appearing frequently on the streets. Whenever I came across an abandoned sofa, it caught my attention. Thus, I began this project. Every evening, I went out wandering the streets. Whenever I found a sofa on the roadside, I would cut out a square piece, replace it with a square fabric that I had prepared beforehand, and fill the gap created by my cutting. 


Through this project, I pondered two aspects. The first was how an artist could use the materials provided by the city to create art through wandering and exploring the city. Also, how artists could use these materials to connect with the city and the people living in it. The second aspect was about the sofa itself. As a common piece of furniture in homes, it possessed spatial attributes and had a long history of association with people. However, it was discarded due to people's migration and replacement, and encountered by someone like me who was wandering around. This encounter was only a one-time occurrence, and we would never meet again in the future.


The sofa, as an object provided by families and people in this city, should have brought stability. However, as I wandered around, I was in the opposite state of constant mobility. Behind our encounters was the mobility and replacement of people. As objects that will no longer be used, these sofas represent the people who flow through the city. I stitched them together, binding these strangers, their traces of use, and their status in this city together.

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