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​《復健之旅》- 邱怜禎個展 2018


一直以來,疼痛像幽靈一般不斷縈繞著我,時不時出現在我身體各個地方。我曾經懊 悔這些疼痛對我造成的不便與焦慮,然而生活依序襲來,我卻找到了與之相處的辦法,就如同染上陋習,我竟然習慣與之相伴。

這些與疼痛調解的日子,造就許多診療紀錄散落在各個診所與醫院,它變向的記錄了 我的存在-不論身世、人格-而是理性的以旁觀者的角色見證了我、時間與疼痛三者交互、依存並且成長的過程。

展覽中許多作品的製作從探詢診所、檢視就診紀錄開始,以醫療文件的收集、再製, 就像蒐集過去的文件,以痛覺帶著我拼湊、認識「我自己」。 這些收集、檢視、回顧等行為,試著以不同的角度、樣態去面對、分析,正視苦痛的來源,也從本身感受上至 醫療上的被分析、記錄等抽象、具體雙方面的去瞭解我的身體與我自己是誰。


“Back to Health” - Chiu Ling Chen solo exhibition 2018


“Back to health” is an exhibition that looking for myself through pain.


Pain always haunting me like a ghost and appears in every part of my body. I used to be frustrated and upset by the anxiety and inconvenience it did to me, however, life keeps going, so do I found a way to get along with it. It just like got into a bad habit, yet I used to have it as a company.


Lots of medical records kept in different clinics and hospitals within the days I meditate with pain and my body. These medical paper recorded me in a really different way: no matter who I am, what my personality is, they became as a witness through me, time and pain, how we accompany, grow and live with each other.


Many pieces in this exhibition started from visiting hospitals and viewing medical records. Collecting and reproduce these records as collecting documents of my past, and it's just like putting puzzles together and get to know myself through the pain. These activities include collecting, viewing and reviewing, I tried to face, analyze the resource of pain through different aspects and conditions, and also knowing my body and me by two ways: abstract (my feeling) and concrete (medical analysis and record).


Pain is an unavoidable feeling and experience, it appears both physically and mentally. Through this exhibition, even we couldn’t truly get rid of it one day, but we may start to face the resource of it, and try to meditate, get alone but not be dominated. Via this exhibition, pain led me to review my life by far, not only I keep seeking heath in my daily life, but more actively facing, transforming the pain and suffering that I will encounter.


認識我/Get to know me​



21 x 29.7 cm


拍攝於2005年, 輸出於2018年

Shot at 2005, Printed at 2018.


拍攝於2015年, 輸出於2018年

Shot at 2015, Printed at 2018.


拍攝於2016年, 輸出於2018年

Shot at 2016, Printed at 2018.


拍攝於2016年, 輸出於2018年

Shot at 2016, Printed at 2018.


非自願寫真01- 05

Involuntary photoshoot 01-05



Digital Print

拍攝於2017年, 輸出於2018年

Shot at 2017, Printed at 2018.








 “ Take Me Back to… ”


X-ray films, typically taken in cases of illnesses, checkups, and accidents, have been a recurring element in my life stricken by constant bodily ailments. I noticed the interrelations and frequency of the pains, which was why I started to trace its origin, and it was then that I found these X-ray photographs had always been a mute record of my existence and entity.


Thus goes the creation story of this series of behavior recording photographs. I was curious about the photos my body had brought me to take, so I went to collect my medical image records in different hospitals in hopes of, through recalling the stories behind each photo, picturing the time and space of each occurrence, and my feelings and conditions back then.


Bringing the X-ray photos back to the scenes of the accidents symbolizes following the traces from the past to eventually find pieces of oneself. The act is not only about looking back and revisiting the places in one’s memory, but reliving the experience and connecting with one’s past self. In the making of the series I was made aware of how my life had been documented, and my existence made possible, and this piece in turn takes me on a retrospective journey in search of myself.

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帶我回⋯⋯01 Bring me back to⋯⋯01/2018/攝影 藝術微噴/Digital Print on Premium Semiglossy Photo Paper/61.6*41.6 cm 

300dpi 小.jpg

帶我回⋯⋯02 Bring me back to⋯⋯02/2018/攝影 藝術微噴/Digital Print on Premium Semiglossy Photo Paper/61.6*41.6 cm 

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帶我回⋯⋯03 Bring me back to⋯⋯03/2018/攝影 藝術微噴/Digital Print on Premium Semiglossy Photo Paper/61.6*41.6 cm 

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帶我回⋯⋯04 Bring me back to⋯⋯04/2018/攝影 藝術微噴/Digital Print on Premium Semiglossy Photo Paper/61.6*41.6 cm 

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帶我回⋯⋯05 Bring me back to⋯⋯05/2018/攝影 藝術微噴/Digital Print on Premium Semiglossy Photo Paper/61.6*41.6 cm 


面對生理上的疼痛是我長期以來的課題,物理治療(復健)於此也成了我生活的必備行程。 然而,痛苦不僅止於肉體,他也向內侵襲並且無可避免,因此,如何與之調解並轉化所遭遇的痛苦,不僅僅是我也是每個人必經也必須學習的過程。



“ In-treatment ”


Throughout my life I have been ridden with physical pains, which makes physiotherapy a necessary, regular routine in my everyday life. However, the ailments do not stop at the physical level, but inevitably go on to affect my mental status. Reconciliation with, as well as, adaptation to, bodily discomfort, therefore, is a must-learn lesson for me and, I would argue, every single person.


“Inaction/In-treatment” is a piece of video installation art of which the video captures the window I would often look at when doing physical therapy exercises. The 15-minute length of the video makes reference to the basic timespan per treatment session, and the installation of hospital bench recreates the space and scene of the therapy. In this reconstruction of the therapy’s scene and process, the audience would find themselves also experiencing a physiotherapy session, the projected window a way of escape from the reality. This piece is thus an attempt to heal the mind in a place where the body is treated, and the time spent watching the video is the treatment on the inside through inaction.


無為之治 In-treatment/依場地大小而定 Dimensions variable/錄像裝置 Vedio Installation 15”00/2018

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