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想像連結失效,日夢即將甦醒。Imagination disconnected, Daydream is about to awake.

複合媒材、空間裝置 / 尺寸依場地而定 / 2021
Mixed Media, Installation / Dimensions variable / 2021

​影片連結點我 Link to video



入口帆布上的圖案是來自房屋的外在彩繪,這個彩繪如同表皮依附在牆面上,穿越這個表皮進入到裡面的空間,這個內部空間來自於我對於家的渴望,這樣的渴望在我遭遇這棟房子時投射到他的身上,我透過量測他的尺寸、外觀去具體化這個想像,在不斷丈量他的過程中,我開始想像居住在裡面的格局、傢俱擺設與佈置,還有我是如何生活在裡面,並且用建模的方式呈現出來。 地上的石膏粉末是依照原尺寸去描繪出這一棟房子具體的大小與尺寸。



This work started from a house I met that standing along in a park. It’s a house leaving behind because of military village moved away, and now it’s abandoned. 


Coming through the canvas hanging at the entrance, the picture on it came from the painting outside the house, and the painting attached to walls like skin. Walking over the skin to the inner space, it present the desire that I want to have a home. The desire projected on the house when I ran into it. I embody the imagination of being my home through measuring size and appearance of the house. I started to imaging the structure, furniture arrangement  and how I live in it, and presented them with modeling. The plaster powder drawing on the floor is encoring to the original size of the house.


However, no matter how I measure the house or imagine how it looks at the inside, it eventually would not become my home. All the projection and imagination are like the little night light I put in the space, it brings the feeling of home, but it couldn’t represent or replace as a true one.

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