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我記錄下這些傷害的言論,將一句一句的爭吵留存􏰁、書寫,並利用傳票叉尖銳的形象作為乘載的道具將這些話語的累積實體化,堆積著傷害、不信任與質疑。「家庭到底是怎麼樣的一個存在?」 家人的角色、價值因為事件、言語在我心中造成擺盪:「我為這個家付出了三十年」、「要不是為了兩個女兒」、「婚後就等於喪失自由、拋棄人生」這些話語不僅僅呈現一個家庭的失望與受傷,也能以此檢視,或許社會也造就許多這樣不健全的產物。



 “ The Field of Hearts ”


The inspiration for “The Field of Hearts” is the calamity that recently befell my household. Misunderstandings between my parents led to constant quarrels between family members, who bombarded one another with heartbroken, angered, and disregardful cries.


I recorded the hurtful utterances, archived and put down each poisonous sentence on straps of paper, and finally used sharp summons forks to string the pieces together to visualize the sentiments of harm, distrust, and suspicion from which the words derived. The incident and these arguments led me to question the family’s roles and values, and to ask myself, “what exactly is a family?” Expressions such as “I sacrificed so much for this family during the past 30 years…”, “if it were not for the two daughters…”, “marriage deprives one of freedom and choices in life…”, demonstrate not only a disappointed and destroyed household, but lead us to wonder maybe it is society that contributes to these unwholesome creatures, these unhappy families.


In the early stages I wanted to use sharp needles to symbolize the accumulated injury left inside my heart by the incident; however, in the process of transcribing the family members’ words I found myself increasingly understanding of their thoughts and sorrow. “The Field” represents not merely the sharp words piercing through the archivist, but, through writing, pens out the pain and the pain and agony felt by the family as a whole.


心田 The Field of Hearts / 依場地而定  Dimensions Variable / 傳票叉、紙張 Summons fork, Paper  / 2018

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